1. The Scriptures
God and Revelation
Our eternal, transcendent, all-glorious God, who forever exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is by his very nature a communicative being.[1] He both creates[2] and governs[3] through his words and has graciously revealed himself[4] to humanity[5] in order to commune with us.[6] He has revealed himself through creation and providence in ways plain to all people, leaving no one without a testimony of himself.[7] He also revealed himself through specific words, that we might come to a fuller knowledge of his character and will,[8] learning what is necessary for salvation and life.[9]Through the medium of human language,[10] which is suitable and adequate for communication with those who bear his image, God has preserved in Holy Scripture the only authoritative and complete revelation for all humanity.[11]
ESV Scripture Text References:
Supplemental Reading:
Excerpts from The Doctrine of the Word by John Frame: